flavoring your 5e RPG since 2d20


  • Religious leader

    A Priest.
  • Adventurers can acquire an amulet, emblem, or reliquary for this faith with a 3-5 gp donation.
    Adventurers can acquire a flask of holy water for a 25 gp donation to the church, temple, or faith.

  • Innkeeper

  • Costs (Consult the town lifestyle)
    ItemMeals CostLodging Cost
    Squalid3 cp7 cp
    Poor6 cp1 sp
    Modest3 sp5 sp
    Comfortable5 sp8 sp
    Wealthy8 sp2 gp
    Aristocratic2 gp4 gp
  • Proprietor

  • Costs (Consult the town lifestyle)
    Ale (gallon)2 sp
    Ale (mug)4 cp
    Banquet (per person)10 gp
    Bread, loaf2 cp
    Cheese, hunk1 sp
    Meat, chunk3 sp
    Wine, common (pitcher)2 sp
    Wine, fine (bottle)10 gp
General Store
  • Proprietor

  • Items for sale
  • Equipment Packs
  • Proprietor

  • Potables for sale
  • Alchemist's supplies are available here for 50 gp. An herbalism kit can be bought for 5 gp. A poisoner's kit costs 50 gp.
Arcane House
  • Mage On Duty

    An Archmage.
  • Spell scrolls available
    At the DM's discretion, copying a spell into a spellbook takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp plus whatever the proprietor would like to add. Consider the house rule of 50 gp per level of the spell.
  • Proprietor

  • Items for sale
Fortune Teller
  • Proprietor

  • The fortune teller is a cartomancer (use the Cult Fanatic stats) who will tell any character's fortune using a Deck of Fortune. The reading costs 5sp and will grant a boon or bane to the character for the next 24 hours of game time.

    Welcome the party inside and draw a card...

    Deck of Fortune

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The Dead of Vulffhornn

Our gothic, cursed city is open for exploring. Learn about the setting and our first adventure for it.

Visit Vulffhornn


everweird.world has been making and releasing homebrew and tools for D&D and other tabletop RPGs since 2020. We would appreciate your support.
