flavoring your 5e RPG since 2d20

Handle side

You throw your dagger and it hits handle side first, drawing the attention and aggravation of your target who gets advantage on their next attack against you.

Didn’t let go

You didn’t let go of your javelin or spear when you tried to throw it and you stab your own foot. Take 1d4 damage.

Dry fire

You miss nocking your arrow and dry fire your bow. The annoyance gives you disadvantage on your next shot.


You unfasten part of your armor (if you’re wearing any) and lose its benefits to your AC until you spend an action refastening

Slip up

You slip up and are now prone.

Rolled for damage

You roll your ankle on your attack. Take 1d4 of damage. You are unable to Dash and have disadvantage on any Acrobatics checks for 1 minute.

Goodbye, Roast Beef!

Your miss is so spectacularly bad that you cut, smash, or blast your middle toe clean off. You’ll deal with the emotions of that later but for now, you can’t dash for 1 minute.

See you next fall

You overextend yourself and fall while attacking. You take 1d6 damage. You are also prone. You must spend half your movement standing up. If you were engaged in melee combat, you will provoke an attack of opportunity when you stand.

Have a nice trip

You trip over your own feet. You are prone. You must spend half of your movement standing up. If you were engaged in melee combat, you will provoke an attack of opportunity getting up.


You drop your weapon and must spend an action picking it up.

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The Dead of Vulffhornn

Our gothic, cursed city is open for exploring. Learn about the setting and our first adventure for it.

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everweird.world has been making and releasing homebrew and tools for D&D and other tabletop RPGs since 2020. We would appreciate your support.
